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Showing posts from January, 2021

An outting

I had the boy out today for a short ride off the drive to make sure it was all working. Once the Spring comes and lockdown is over I'll be able to get out and about again. It's a shame with half term not that far away that the lockdown will still be with us or it will still be crap weather. After a few months in the cold garage although all the lights work and the clocks do their check, there wasn't enough juice to get it going. A quick connection with the dbPower unit and it started first touch of the button. I let it run up to temperature to check that the fan and everything work.   Although I sorn'd it to save the tax money it is still Mot'd until February.  Nearer the time I'll book it in to get that done. Again, weather dependent. If we had a nice dry day I will get out and five it a deep clean.   The run off the drive was to make sure the ABS switched on and the light went out.  At least there was a strip of dry road that wasn't iced like a skating ri...


Looking at the Fuelly app on the phone and on the website brings into perspective the extent of the lockdowns and curtailment of riding in the UK, at least for me. I always fill the tank when I am out an about. I always aim to avoid using expensive (rip-off) service stations on motorways and only if I have to will I put a few litres in to get me over any possible crisis. So to see that the last time I filled the tank was on the 17th August 2020 is astounding. With lockdown easing in gradual steps it looks as though it may be June or later before we get to ride more often.

Not Going Out.... Another Lockdown!

With us still in lockdown in Kent and after what seems like forever banged up 23 hours a day in the house, I can't wait to get the bloody vaccine and be able to go out again on the bike. I doubt after so long in the garage that it will actually start!  I have the dbPower unit on charge to 100% to fire the big boy over.  And then we'll see.  The weather hasn't actuality enticed me out on the road either. At the moment it alternates between hissing rain and high winds or frost that brings out the gritters with their nasty sand and salt concoction that rots Triumph chrome away in minutes. The new Motobatt battery I bought and fitted a year ago, today as it would happen (!) will no doubt be as dead as the proverbial dodo.  All thanks to the bastard that created this virus in their little laboratory. When will it all end! In the end did what I should have done months ago but I suppose I thought it would all be over and normal life might start to come back. ...

Lockdown Again!

We have just emerged from a Tier 4 lockdown that seems to have had no effect on slowing down the transmission of the Covid-19 spread and so from tonight at 0001 we are back into a more severe lockdown. My shoulder is much better and I can ride the bike, but of course, a total lockdown means no ridey bikey! Bollocks. So now we must wait until and unspecified mid-February date when we might be allowed out of our houses for more than just limited socially distanced exercise (dog walks allowed)  and to hunt for food.