The Old SOCS Facebook group came about when a few of us after years of being ex-Suzuki Owners Club members (and some ex life members) decided on a ride up to the National Heritage Motor Museum near Warwick, to surprise long term mate John Storrie. From that humble beginning the FB morphed in "Old SOCS" and the idea of a weekend was floated. To appeal to a larger audience it was decided on August and Vic Dunckley came up with a place, Coniston in the Lake District. Accommodation is somewhat on the pricey side in the area in August. But luckily there is a youth hostel in easy walking distance from the venue and the pubs/restaurants. So I am booked in there. It is £30 a night in a dorm. 😱 The only fly in the ointment is whether I am holiday with Claire in August and dates that might conflict.
A Rocket III Roadster Blog - Life and travels with a Rocket